Blood Test: The panel of blood tests that are very specific and sensitive for the diagnosis of celiac disease includes:
• IgA Endomysial Antibodies (EMA): Highly specific marker for celiac disease.
• IgA Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG): Very specific marker for celiac disease.
• IgG Tissue Transglutaminase: Necessary to diagnose celiac disease in IgA-deficient individuals.
• Total IgA Antibodies: Will identify celiac disease in symptomatic patients who are IgA deficient.
Intestinal Biopsy: The only definitive means of accurately diagnosing celiac disease is by an intestinal biopsy, the gold standard for diagnosis.
Celiac disease does not necessarily cause uniform damage. Therefore, gastroenterologists must take samples from various sections of the mucosa for confirmation of the diagnosis.